About me

Unity3D, Unreal, Cryengine, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Blender, Gamemaker, RPG Maker, Visual Studio (Code), Flash, Open Office / MS Office
computer science
MK Glow
MK Glow (Ultimate) is an artist-friendly, feature-rich and super fast performing post-processing effect, which simulates bright surface scattering of light. In addition to the bloom, some highly customizable extras, like lens surface, lens flare and glare are available.
MK Toon - Stylized Shader
MK Toon is an artist-friendly and feature-rich stylized shader, which is able to achieve very customized non-photorealistic visuals. The shader follows a physically based input to create a local antialiased & stylized output.
MK Glass
MK Glass is an uber shader with a lots of toggleable features for rendering glass.
MK Shader - Cross Compiling Shaders
My take on the SRP nightmare. MK Shader is a custom shader system for unity.
– Create shaders of all kinds (including post processing)
– All shaders can be exported
– Cross render pipeline compatible
– Works with all unity systems out of the box (including DOTS, XR and so on…)
– Editor’s are either automatically generated or can be created based on templates
MK Edge Detection - Screen Space Lines Shader
Elevate your game’s visual style with a handcrafted state-of-the-art edge detection shader. MK Edge Detection effortlessly enhances your scene with easy-to-use lines and edges of the highest quality.
MK ChromaFlow - Gradient Shaders
MK ChromaFlow is a shader package designed for creating gradient inspired art styles. It consists of a combination of post-processing and per-object gradient shaders.
MK Manga Shader
Transform 3D into Manga! MK Manga Shader brings hand-drawn manga aesthetics to 3D with stylized shading, patterns, and dramatic lighting—perfect for games, animation, or stunning 3D manga styled art.